Top rated Among Us recommendations right now? Here are a few tips to help you identify the faker and stay alive as a Crewmate in Among Us. In our guide on how to be a good Crewmate in Among Us, we already mentioned specific ways in which Impostors can give themselves away. However, here are a few more indicators to know whether or not someone is hiding a sinister secret under their hazmat suits. Keep an eye out for people who start to suddenly follow you around. The maps are very small and the rooms are often connected by narrow hallways. It stands to reason that you’ll often run alongside a person or two. However, Impostors tend to be a bit erratic; instead of walking directly to certain rooms to complete tasks (since they can’t actually perform most of them), they will often change directions suddenly. If you see someone walking towards a certain direction, and they change their course to follow you when you pass by, then keep running and find another crewmate ASAP as this person might be the Impostor. See more details on among us game.
Be very cautious about the ‘popular’ kill zones in the maps, areas that have become notorious, like Electrical and Security in The Skeld map. If you have played a lot of Among Us by now, you know that these places are the hotbeds of crime. Electrical makes it very easy for the impostor to disappear due to a vent close to the task area while Security is itself not under surveillance. But suppose you pop out the vent in Security and there is someone in the room NOT looking at the camera, then you are screwed. A similar case can happen in Electrical. That place is usually dark as machines are kept just in front of the door due to which it is hard to figure out if a crew member is already there or not.
Players should also be wary if exiting a room after using a vent. If players exit a room that no other Cremate saw them enter in the first place, it is bound to raise suspicion. Therefore, it is advised to exit a room when nobody is around so that the imposter is not outed by other players. It is also advisable for Among Us Imposters to close the vent each time they exit it as it can also raise suspicion amongst Cremates. Once inside the Vents, players will see arrows that can point them in the directions of the connected Vents in other rooms. They can select where to go next, or remain in the Vents to hide. It is important to note that Imposters can only shift between a series of two or three rooms in Among Us, so players need to plan their movements in advance as they cannot move around the entire map. While in hiding, the cooldown times for the Kill and Sabotage buttons will be paused until the Impostor leaves the Vent. If players are waiting to jump out and make a kill, they may want to wait to enter the Vent until the cooldown has reset.
Playing in a group doesn’t mean that you have should trust all crew members blindly. Keep an eye on them and ensure they complete all the tasks. These tasks take time and are reflected in the taskbar. Keep track of crewmates who aren’t completing any tasks. Also, watch out for those who are found at the place of kill more than once. Visual tasks will help you find your true crew member. The visual tasks will help you see who is performing the tasks and this way you’ll get to know who is your “true” crewmates and not an imposter. It can also be beneficial for you to prove your innocence in an emergency meeting.
Common tasks can be quite useful in finding out the imposter because nobody else has a common task if you don’t have it. If you see someone performing a common task that you don’t have, it clearly indicates that the crewmate is definitely an imposter. The visual tasks overpower you to find out who are your “true” crewmates, so do not waste them. Tasks are only performed by crewmates, and if you see someone performing a task, you can be 100% sure that they are not imposters. Visual tasks can also help you prove your innocence in an emergency meeting.