Clixlo – Everything In One Place

Clixlo – Create And Sell Online Courses: Manage your reputation! A cutting-edge reviews and reputation management software that empowers your business to elevate its online presence and foster customer trust. Intelligent Review Aggregation: ReviewGenius automatically collects and consolidates customer feedback from various sources. Sentiment Analysis and Insights: Our advanced AI-driven sentiment analysis engine interprets the tone and emotions behind customer reviews. Proactive Review Management: ReviewGenius’s intuitive dashboard allows you to respond promptly to customer reviews, address concerns, and showcase your commitment to exceptional customer service. Read even more details on Clixlo software for small businesses. Manage and grow with everything in one place. Build websites, funnels, courses. Use automation, forms, live chat, crm and more.

I had the best experience with Jaime we jump on a zoom and he helped me connect my website to my funnel, cause that’s a thing I did not know lol. He helped me link all the buttons to the right products and pages and helped me with my email automation and campaigns. I JUST LOVE Clixlo!! Thank you for making me feel like a TECHI rock star and having access to zoom calls to get all the kinks worked out that is AWESOME customer service. Thank you Jaimie!!

After being on line for more than a decade, I can honestly say I’ve never seen a program as smooth and easy as Clixlo. The fact that it has everything from email marketing to drag and drop funnels, is spectacular. It even includes some of the best Customer Service I’ve ever had. Clixlo is where I refer all of my Coaching students. Clixlo has literally everything I need and everyone is so helpful at making sure my course launched smoothly, highly recommend to anyone needing everything in one! I absolutely love Clixlo!! The templates make it so easy for me to build my course. Customer support is super responsive and has helped me every step of the way. I am so grateful to Jaime at Clixlo’s support. He has been so kind, so helpful, and very responsive. I highly recommend Clixlo.

Build your list & monetize it! A powerful and versatile solution for creating forms, surveys, and quizzes to collect valuable customer data with ease. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of customization options. Dynamic Form Builder: Design fully customizable forms, surveys, and quizzes that cater to your specific business needs, with a variety of question types, conditional logic, and design templates. Intuitive Reporting and Analytics: Access real-time insights and detailed reports to analyze responses, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on your customer data. Integration and Sharing: Seamlessly integrate DataGatherer Pro with your existing tools and share your forms across various platforms, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.

I recently moved to clixlo from another well-known service once I saw I would be able to do everything I did before and do it with much less complexity for a fraction of the price. Because of the low price, I was skeptical at first, but I took a chance and I’m glad I did. One of the co-founders, Mike, really helped me get started in the right direction, and I am grateful for his time and expertise. Game Changer is all I can say. It’s not just an all in one software and website platform, it’s an automation tool for printing money. I’ve been so impressed by the support, instructions, updates, love, and community here. Clixlo has been like a home for me in my business. I login and live at Clixlo all day. I can’t say enough about their software!

Process payments & upsells! A comprehensive shopping cart and payment solution designed to streamline your e-commerce business. This powerful software combines the convenience of shopping carts, secure payment processing, automated invoicing, and strategic upsells and order bumps. Upsells & Order Bumps: CartManager Pro seamlessly integrates shopping carts, payments, invoicing, upsells, and order bumps, simplifying your e-commerce operations. Secure Payment Processing: Our software ensures the highest level of encryption and security, providing your customers with peace of mind while making transactions. Invoicing & Subscriptions: Leverage automated invoicing and subscriptions to increase average order value and boost your bottom line.

Discover and get to know our features, prices and the best $97 lifetime one-time offer as our competitors like , , , charge $297 per month for the same services. See extra information at Automation And Workflows.