Clinical research commercial drug supply today

Best rated global clinical trial supply companies by ClientPharma: We work closely with you to provide market insights needed in order to implement the best strategy to meet your commercial drug supply requirements. Our client testimonials attest to our unique, collaborative approach, which adds longstanding value and strong partnerships. Our aim is to understand your goals and to work to minimize waste, allowing you to reinvest those savings back into your R&D initiatives. We hold ourselves to the highest standards, delivering on time, and most importantly, with uncompromised quality and integrity. Read more info at bulk supplies for pivotal trials.

We profoundly understand and recognize the numerous risks associated with global drug procurement. We also appreciate the many complexities associated with worldwide storage and distribution of clinical trial supplies. Our team knows the importance of an efficient, robust supply chain — audited & approved — that promotes excellence, security and accountability. We provide batch traceability, supporting documentation (i.e. Certificates of Analysis (CofAs), Batch Release Certificates (BRCs), GMP Statements, stability data, Fit-for-Use (FFU) Statements, Certificates of Conformance (CofCs), Certificates of Origin (CofOs), etc.) and temperature monitoring data – delivering product pedigree and authenticity.

Our open and collaborative approach is tailored to you and your patients’ needs for every study. With dedicated points-of-contact and direct access to senior management, you are always in connection with us. Through regular business review meetings and custom KPIs, we never lose sight of what’s important to you, your team and your program. To learn more about how we can improve your clinical trial supply experience or receive a quote, please feel free to get in touch.

We are dedicated to delivering on point and on time, every time, no matter how technically challenging. With our preferred logistics partners, we offer warehousing solutions and specialist logistics to meet your clinical trial requirements. Global pharma warehousing and distribution capabilities: With our own state-of-the-art pharmaceutical warehouses strategically situated in major European and North American distribution hubs, as well as our global network of partner depots, ClientPharma provides you with your clinical trial supplies precisely where and when you need them. With access to our secure pharmaceutical warehousing, you can be confident in the integrity of your supply chain. All of our high-security storage conforms to strict cGDP guidelines. See more details on

Meeting the needs of global clinical supply trials requires diversity in supply strategies to address the unique complexities of each country’s healthcare and medication distribution systems. The “one-size fits all” approach is not a single supply strategy; instead, it leverages the expertise of a supply vendor partnership that addresses the need for a multi-faceted supply chain strategy. Jeff Wiltrout, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Business Development at TrialCard, stated, “The responsibilities of clinical trial supply and operations personnel are vast and intricate. They need partners that make complex tasks simple and efficient. The partnership between market leaders like TrialCard and ClientPharma simplifies our clients’ global commercial drug sourcing responsibilities by providing a variety of streamlined, agile and efficient processes.”

Forecasts by their very definition involve a degree of uncertainty. When a company fails to meet demand it can have major implications on the drug and the pharmaceutical company. The company may experience loss in sales, a bad reputation for unreliability with customers and overworked employees. It has been reported that where the drug itself is concerned, if the launch of a medicine is delayed due to a failure in estimation, it costs on average $15 million per drug, per day. Further research has also shown that a blockbuster drug will lose $1 billion in revenue annually until capacity is developed to meet demand. Overestimations in demand generally happen when the market is at its most volatile, or, if the reach of a new drug has been over estimated. These inaccuracies can cost companies. If a product’s demand is overestimated, companies have to find ways to correct their misjudgement by cutting the price of medicines which reduces margins and by making employees redundant to pay for the excess of stock. In some cases companies also have to destroy stock that has not been sold.