Best rated funeral directors Hertford

funeral services Harpenden UK with Austins: Austin’s Family Funeral Directors has been serving the communities of Hertfordshire for over three centuries. The Austin family is committed to the continued provision of a caring, sympathetic and sensitive service to the bereaved and their loved ones. This has established Austin’s as Hertfordshire’s leading, family-owned and operated, funeral director. In 1997, the family designed and built Harwood Park Crematorium and Memorial Gardens to further serve the needs of the local community. Read extra details on

Other trends embrace the changing ways in which we communicate – such as inviting people to attend a funeral via social media. The key most influential trends noted by funeral directors in 2022 were: Online streaming – while safety restrictions have been removed 37% of funerals are streamed live via website links band video apps. Social media funeral invitations are used by 28% of people planning funerals. Music – a wider variety of music types are played at funerals. This is noted by 21% of funeral directors. Colourful clothing is increasingly worn to funerals according to 13% of funeral directors. 6% of research participants have seen an increase in the number of funerals being videoed. Personalised funerals – a 6% increase in the demand for personalised coffins has been noted, along with a 4% increase in bespoke requests personalised to the deceased.

Christmas and New Year can be especially difficult if you have lost a loved one. If you are experiencing grief during the festive season, here are some ideas that may help you: Remember your loved one – This could include lighting a candle, creating a memorial space, or participating in activities that were special to them. For more ideas, please read our article. Decide what you need – and let people know. Let your friends and family know what you need during this time. If you need space, say that. If you need someone to talk to, let them know. It’s okay to decline invitations or step away from situations that feel too difficult. Clear communication can help others understand and provide the support you need.

Humanist celebrants are non-religious and focus on making the funeral service a positive reflection of the person who has died. Civil celebrants lead funerals with or without religious content, creating an occasion for mourning or a celebration of life according to the wishes of the deceased person (if known) and their loved ones. It’s important to choose a celebrant whom you feel comfortable talking with and who listens, understanding your questions and requirements. Ask for testimonials from previous clients, and look for mentions of listening, writing and presenting skills. How they managed the service and liaised with the family are also important. At Austin’s family funeral directors, we work with several funeral celebrants. If you would like their details, please let us know.

Personal Anecdotes: Share personal stories or experiences that highlight the personality, values and interests of the deceased person. This can include funny or inspiring memories. Memorable Qualities: Talk about the special qualities that made the person unique. Reflect on their kindness, compassion, sense of humour, determination or any other virtues that stood out to others. Achievements and Contributions: Highlight the accomplishments and contributions the person made during their lifetime. These can include their professional achievements and personal milestones, for example, involving family, hobbies and career as relevant.

Direct cremation is an increasingly popular funeral option, with demand more than quadrupling in the last four years. The number of burials has remained consistent throughout this period. However cremations, traditionally the most popular funeral choice, has become split between traditional and direct cremation options. A direct cremation is the simplest option available: one without any service or ceremony with no congregation and a very simple coffin. Demand has increased from just 2% in 2018 to 18% in 2022. (Sunlife Cost of Dying Report 2023) Find more details on